Central Museum of the Risorgimento

Via di San Pietro in Carcere. (Open Map)


The Central Museum of Risorgimento was inaugurated on October 2 1970 on the occasion of the centenary of the plebiscite for Rome capital and is located on the left side of the Vittoriano, the monument dedicated to Victor Emanuel the Second. It collects documents, paintings, sculptures, arms, and curios of the historical period that goes from the second half of the eighteenth century to the First World War. 

The relics of the Spielberg prison and of the Bandiera brothers are very touching. The collections related to the Roman Republic of 1849, Mazzini, and Garibaldi (including the letters of his wife Anita, the embroidered velvet cap, the trousers he wore during the landing at Marsala, and the boot with the hole of the bullet that wounded him in Aspromonte) are particularly rich. 

The Enrico Serra Collection consists of 3383 toy soldiers wearing uniforms, arms, and arrays of the Italian Army as it was in 1866. The cannon carriage on which the body of the Unknown Soldier was transported, is placed in the hall dedicated to the Great War. Films provided by the Historical Archive of the Istituto Luce on life in the trenches are shown, in addition to a remarkable photographic documentation.